Sue's Blog

Monday, February 24, 2014

Animal Hero - Salmonier Nature Park

Every now and then you witness something really touching.

This morning I awoke to see a murder of crows diving on something in the marsh across the road from my house.

I got the binoculars and noticed a snowy owl standing in the grass.

I went over to see the bird in order to determine if it was injured.

Here's the picture:

I called the Dept. of Wildlife and heard back from a staff member of the Salmonier Nature Park. They arrived very quickly and rescued this beautiful creature. It appeared to be suffering from hunger and was weak but did not appear to be too injured.

Thanks to the wonderful staffer at the park.

Here's the picture:

What a lovely person he is - I think his name is Rod. Special thanks to Rod for rescuing this gorgeous snowy owl.

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